2019 Recap: Partner updates you missed

December 12, 2019

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    And here we are with the end of 2019 just weeks away.  But before we nosedive into 2020 and public safety industry trends, let’s see what happened in 2019. 

    In the state of ever-evolving technology, it’s easy to miss out on the latest trends and product updates. Our partners work hard at constantly upgrading and updating products to bring the best to our public safety agencies. Here is a highlight of updates from the last year: 

    Getac Video Solutions: Getac, a well-known player in the rugged computing space, brought its expertise of in-car solutions to the video and digital asset space. The subsidiary, Getac Video Solutions has quickly revolutionized digital-based evidence management.  Building a robust real-time command center allowing departments to link cameras with locations, attach video and images to case files, and create custom alerts. 

    Sierra Wireless: Sierra Wireless is an innovator in the communications space and dedicated to providing fast and secure networks for public safety agencies.  In efforts to build the internet of things with wireless solutions the company has continued to improve and expand its AirLink portfolio.  This year it introduced the first in-vehicle router certified for use on FirstNet –  AirLink MG90 In-Vehicle Router.  First responders can be confident they will stay connected anywhere, over any network. 

    FirstNet: On the topic of communications, FirstNet Authority got approval to begin upgrades to enable 5G capabilities.  This comes as timely improvements as the latest network rolls out across the country. Providing 5G on FirstNet will give first responders a reliable connection.  The upgrades are on plan with the FirstNet roadmap, also released this year.  

    Public safety technologies continue to improve and evolve to meet the demanding needs of officers and 2019 was no exception.  What was your favorite product or partner update?
