5 Reasons Switching to a Managed Services Provider Makes Sense
May 28, 2015
You’re an advertising agency. You’re a manufacturing plant. You’re a hospital. Every day you go to work, you want to do work in the fields you’ve selected because that’s what you’re passionate about and it’s what you’re good at.
For this reason, many companies are moving away from simple service level agreements to deeper-level, more enhanced managed services contracts. The primary benefit is obvious: Managed services partnerships allow organizations to focus their efforts on what they do best, while leaving the complex world of IT to the experts who do it the best and love it the most!
Below, we give you four more reasons that switching to a managed services agreement makes sense.
Reduced budgets
According to a recent CompTIA of over 400 businesses using managed services providers, 46% have reduced their security budgets by at least 25% or more. Imagine that? Walking into the CFO’s office asking for a little less money. We can see the smile on both of your faces.
Spending decrease
In the same survey, 13% of those who reduced budgets cut spending by over 50%. More smiles all around! Here’s another stat to share, you’ll like this one: 50% said they have cut annual costs anywhere from 1% to 24%. How does it happen? Outsourcing an IT infrastrucutre is much less expensive than investing in your own IT department. You don’t need to pay health benefits, vacation time or other perks to your managed service provider. All you need to do is pay them to keep you secure.
The latest and greatest is available
Traditional in-house IT staffers are ‘generalists’ in a technology sense, typically spread too thin by responding to support issues from every corner of the business. On the other hand, a managed services company has trained professionals that provide premium service. It’s a network of specialists that are fully immersed in the latest technological trends, issues and innovations.
More than a help desk
A flourishing managed services relationship spawns all kinds of new opportunities for proof-of-concepts, new innovations, security and more.
Convinced yet? If not, we’d love to talk about how our team at Brite Computers can help you with our elite services such as BriteStar, BriteVault and BriteMail. Just email salesinfo@brite.com!

Posted in Featured Resources, Managed Services