CVE Management: Removing CVEs Swept Under the Rug

CVEs Swept Under Rug

IT leadership builds and manages strong, diverse teams to ensure secure and stable operations. However, sometimes departments overlap resulting in confusion and miscommunication. Such is the case with networking and security departments when it comes to CVE management. It is important to address responsibility early on. Who should be held accountable for any unpatched known…

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Comparing Technology Solutions with CVEs

Comparing tech with CVEs

Your organization has a well-planned security strategy. The perimeter and devices are protected. End users are trained. Critical data is safeguarded. With the immense effort and expense of securing an environment, why would anyone still leave the metaphorical front door open to known vulnerabilities? The ease of use of the MITRE Corporation’s publicly available CVE…

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6 Keys to Success for a User Awareness Training Program

user awareness program

It’s 23 years into the new millennium and cyberattacks are more prevalent, sophisticated and scarier than ever. It doesn’t matter how much a business invests in technologies and systems to protect its assets against threats if employees are incognizant of phishing emails and ransomware attacks. It’s time for businesses to get with the program. A…

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3 Critical Services Every MSP Should Offer

managed service provider

Managed security providers vary vastly with how they do business and what they offer. It is often challenging to compare providers if you are in the market for an MSP. On the surface, most MSPs offer a basic level of IT management and help desk. When you dig a little deeper, comparing providers is really…

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Phishing Emails Are Getting Smarter – Are You?

Phishing Emails Are Getting Smarter - Are You Blog Graphic with fish hook and padlock to promote security awareness training

We’re all aware of the threat of phishing attacks. It’s sometimes assumed that technical minded people are invincible to phishing attacks, but even the most savvy can be duped. The latest phishing attack making headlines has a 90% success rate. You may be familiar with the standard phishing language below, but what about non-traditional methods? Standard Phishing Language:…

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Understanding Risk-based Vulnerability Management

Understanding Risk-based Vulnerability Management

Devices, tools and users are constantly being added to your network and widening the attack surface.  Every new addition adds another possibility for misconfiguration and vulnerabilities. The longer a vulnerability goes undetected, the greater the risk. Sound familiar? Security teams across industries all live this reality every day. That’s where risk-based vulnerability management can help.…

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How to Create a Zero Trust Architecture

If you’ve made it to part three of our zero trust series, then congratulations you’ve uncovered what zero trust is and have planned your zero trust strategy. With those steps completed, it is time to get to work on how to create a zero trust architecture. Unfortunately, since every organization has its own environment and…

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The Guide to Planning a Zero Trust Strategy

“Never trust, always verify” is the zero trust concept and modern-day approach to combatting cyberattacks. In part one of our zero trust series, we uncovered the what and why of zero trust. Naturally, it is time to dive into the how and learn the four steps to planning a zero trust strategy. Since zero trust…

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What is Zero Trust, Actually?


There are three guarantees in cybersecurity: ransomware attacks, changing perimeters and new buzzwords. For the last decade, zero trust has been the buzzword of what every security team, tool, approach and framework should be achieving. Now in 2021, we’re seeing an onslaught of ransomware, work environments still in flux with Forrester, NIST and everyone in-between…

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Rugged Computers for Extreme Conditions

Is your computer rugged enough to withstand extreme conditions? After a summer of unbearable heat waves hitting places all over the world, with winter and snow quicking approaching Upstate New York, the extreme temps got us thinking. The US covers 3.797 million square miles of land with normal climates ranging from cool and rainy to…

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