The future of crime fighting in 2019
January 3, 2019
It has been an exciting year for technology advancements in the Public Safety industry. Most importantly the positive impact technology has provided by improving officer safety and helping officers gain better information to generate leads and solve crimes faster. Below are the top 5 ways these innovative advancements can be used in your department today.
1. Real-Time Visual Operations
During the most critical incidents, minutes matter. A wall of screens, each dedicated to a different feed, is featured in most incident response centers. Corroborating disparate data streams consumes valuable time and can often lead to overlooked critical data. Luckily, Live Earth brings all disparate data streams into one single view for quicker and more strategic response. Current users are able to see real-time streams from sources like security cameras, public transit, AVL, Shot Spotter, weather, parking garages, flight patterns and so much more, all in a single view.
Hear how Hartford Police Department is using Live Earth as the focal point of their incident response center.
2. No Longer Search For The Needle In The Haystack In Video Review
Reviewing video is difficult and time consuming. Even the best trained video reviewers can easily miss critical details due to fatigue or focusing on the wrong part of the screen. Our partner BriefCam has revolutionized video analysis by overlaying hour of video into minutes and including advanced search capabilities. Instead of looking at hours of foot traffic, use artificial intelligence to find exactly what you are looking for.
3. An Integrated Body-Worn and In-Vehicle Camera Systems
Most departments see value from both in-vehicle and body-worn cameras for both officer safety and evidence collection, but most solutions do not integrate footage from both cameras into one system and record. Getac Video brings cutting-edge video technology to departments with a powerful backend system that provides location mapping, case management capabilities and customized alerts. The full view of any situation is now significantly easier with information provided by Getac Video.
4. Advanced Car Connectability To Power All Your Tools
Public Safety vehicles are loaded with more technology than ever before. The ability for individuals in the field to be connected back to home base provides a world of possibilities for improved safety, increased incident response and enhanced crime solving. However, many of those tools require internet connectivity beyond the integrated SIM cards inside a laptop and there is a need for FirstNet Ready and Band 14 device capabilities. Sierra Wireless has put their more than 20 years of public safety connectivity experience to work in their latest router and management solutions. Now, a single, secure and highly reliable broadband connection can support multiple empowering applications.
Connect with Brite today to see how the latest technologies can improve your department!

Posted in Captain's Corner (Legacy), Public Safety