IoT: Securing the Unknown
March 14, 2017
Technology is an ever-changing field. The world has become more and more dependent on technology to get us through our daily tasks. While this has made life easier for most people and businesses, it also creates more security issues.
The main issue with IoT devices is the security, or lack thereof. Whether it is a refrigerator, TV or IP camera, if it connects to the internet, it can be hacked. These devices are designed so they perform the intended job and to make the cost as low as possible, not to be secure. Since all of these devices are connected to the internet, the “bad guys” even more routes to infiltrate a network.
Hacked Through the Vending Machine?
Recently, a college was attacked through its vending machines and light sensors. The attacker flooded their network with thousands of searches for seafood restaurants. The hacker was able to gain access through weak passwords and insert malware. While the attack significantly slowed the college’s network, the hacker crawled the network. Fortunately, the college had a near miss with a catastrophe breach. Who would have ever thought about securing a vending machine?
Just a Trend?
According to our partner ForeScout, 3 years from now there will be more than 20 billion IoT devices. One the key to securing the IoT, is gaining visibility to see what devices are actually connecting to a network. (CIS also reiterates this in the top 2 Critical Security Controls in the latest version – CSC 1: Inventory of Authorized and Unauthorized Devices and CSC 2: Inventory of Authorized and Unauthorized Software). A business has to know what to secure, before they can secure anything at all.
What Can You Do?
First thing is educating yourself. Where better to start then with the Gartner Market Guide for IoT Security?
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Posted in BYOD (Legacy), Cybersecurity Technology, Security (Legacy)