Join Brite at RSS!
October 3, 2018
We are now days away from the Rochester Security Summit (RSS)! Join us and other cybersecurity professionals at RSS on October 9-10 at Rochester Riverside Convention Center to learn about cutting-edge technology for the cybersecurity industry. Stop by our booth to talk to our reps on how Brite can help you Break Through the Clutter! In addition to stopping by booth #13, join Brite’s engineers to discuss the latest cybersecurity practices in our line-up of speaking engagements:
Defense in Depth-Visibility & Orchestration
1:00pm – 1:50pm | Aqueduct CD
Rob Luchetti, Systems Engineer, ForeScout
Inadequate risk management can lead to various security issues. In this session, you will discover how ForeScout’s platform allows you to see, control and orchestrate security throughout the enterprise. Through the combination of real-time endpoint visibility, classification and posture assessment, ForeScout can enforce policy and orchestrate with multiple other tools to limit data breaches, mitigate risk and automate workflows for incident response.
The Evolution of Segmentation: How Network Segmentation and Micro-Segmentation Aid in Threat Isolation and a Secure Posture
2:00pm – 2:50pm | Highland A
John Briggs, Senior Security Solutions Engineer, Brite
Segmentation is a way to isolate devices and applications of similar type, function or requirements. Essentially, this sets the groundwork for a more secure and manageable environment. By grouping like systems together you are better able to isolate them, restrict access to them, and in the case of a breach, limit the impact. With an ever-increasing attack service, segmentation isolates critical, managed infrastructure from other more vulnerable devices. In addition, by taking it further into the data center, we can monitor east-west traffic and prevent unauthorized lateral movement. In this session, learn how to plan, implement and manage a segmentation strategy.
Brite and ForeScout’s RSS After Party
5:00pm – 8:00pm | Hyatt Center City Terrace and Lounge
We are very excited to invite you to the 4th year of our RSS After Party at the Center City Terrace and Lounge in the Hyatt. Even if you are not coming to the show, join us for a fun night with other security professionals.
Register here!
Today is the last day to purchase tickets. Get yours here!

Posted in Cybersecurity Technology