Your Guide to Public Safety Grants
April 1, 2020
featuring the 2020 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP)
Organizations can maximize budgets to purchase and implement leading technologies with grants, contracts or leasing opportunities. Grants are a unique situation to get additional funding for resources in relation to specific projects and often are how departments are able to acquire critical technology upgrades.
To understand how your department can effectively utilize grants we’re going to cover:
- Why you should consider public safety grants
- Tips for applying
- Deep Dive: 2020 DHS Grant Program
Grants for public safety
Grants are a great funding opportunity beyond a departments already allocated budget. Technology-related purchases don’t always fit into the fiscal budget; nevertheless, innovative technologies provide tremendous benefits in aiding officers in keeping communities safe.
Each grant is released to with the objective of utilizing funds to minimize an overarching problem. Luckily, public safety technologies have various use cases and can be implemented to aid in multiple areas. For example, if the objective of a grant is to curb drug related crimes, a LPR system can help by monitoring a hotlist of vehicles related to a known drug circle, and also support the overall community’s safety. So, while a grant is geared toward one specific area, departments can also benefit from owning technologies for other areas.
Tips for applying for grants
In order to receive a grant, departments must first apply to show that it meets the requirements and explain how the department will properly utilize the funding. Our top three tips for applying are:
- It might seem obvious but read the grant all the way through. Understand the logistic aspects like timing, systems and access numbers to ensure you don’t run into issues later on.
- Reach out and connect with a provider ASAP to utilize your rep’s expertise when finding solutions that meet the grant requirements. Reps have an in-depth understanding of the market to ensure you select the right product, not just for the grant, but also for your department’s needs.
- Submit your grant on time. Again, this may seem obvious. We know that life gets in the way at times and things slip. Don’t let free available funding be one of them.
Deep Dive: 2020 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP)
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced a grant focusing on enhancing the ability of governments at all levels to prevent, protect against and respond to acts of terrorism. After examining the threat pool, the grant outlines four priority areas that funds will be allocated towards.
The areas are:
- Enhancing cybersecurity.
- Enhancing the protection of soft targets/crowded places.
- Enhancing information and intelligence sharing and cooperation with federal agencies including DHS.
- Addressing emergent threats.
The grant specifies that each recipient will be required to allocate 5 percent per area of the funds to an approved project. The remaining 80 percent can be used at the discretion of a state or high-risk urban area to remediate gaps identified during a risk assessment.
Overall this grant (and others) allow the opportunity for departments to make investments in powerful solutions that aid in the day-to-day operations. Public safety technologies not only focus on generating leads, but also keeping officers and communities safe. If you’re department is interested in utilizing and applying for the 2020 Homeland Security Grant Program or another grant, please reach out and your local rep can help walk you through the process.

Posted in Captain's Corner (Legacy), Public Safety