Where Has Your Data Gone?

In one day 3,776, 738 records are compromised. We all know the threat to data that ransomware, phishing emails and third party vendors present.  The news reminds us of it every day.  What is not so commonly mentioned is insider threats. Now, we are not claiming that all of your employees are trying to sabotage your business. Your…

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Fasoo Sponsored Ponemon Institute Survey On NYDFS 23 NYCRR 500

Today’s blog is brought to you by our partner Ron Arden, Executive Vice President & COO of Fasoo who has a passion for cybersecurity, privacy and all things technology.  It was featured on the Fasoo Blog on March 21, 2017.   Fasoo sponsored a Ponemon Institute survey to determine the readiness of financial firms doing business…

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Who is your weakest link?

We’ve all heard the phrase “You’re only as strong as your weakest link”. In the IT Security world the “weakest link” could end up costing an organization hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars. We do all we can to place the latest and greatest technologies at our perimeter, endpoints and everywhere in between to avoid having the next…

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IoT: Securing the Unknown

Technology is an ever-changing field. The world has become more and more dependent on technology to get us through our daily tasks. While this has made life easier for most people and businesses, it also creates more security issues. The main issue with IoT devices is the security, or lack thereof. Whether it is a refrigerator, TV or…

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The Challenge of Securing Hybrid Clouds and SDDC’s

With the advancement of technology, it has never been easier for organizations to expand their datacenter. This has been made possible by the introduction of public cloud computing and the Software-defined Data Center (SDDC). However, with this ease of use and network sprawl an inherit Cybersecurity issue has arisen. Securing these methods of computing has…

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The Realization Security is Not Built-In

The cyber threat landscape is a scary one and it is not getting any better. After spending over 15 years in different areas of technology with large organizations such as Oracle, Microsoft, Nortel, I just assumed that security was built into everything and all aspects of a company are secure. You know what they say when you assume. Since joining a company where cyber security…

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How to Prevent Privileged User Account Breaches

Today’s Blog is brought to you by Ryan Conley, an Account Executive at Brite Computers.   Most big breaches over the past 2 years can be tied back to mismanaged privileged account credentials. In the Target breach, someone had gained access to a privileged account through their HVAC contractor.  Home Depot fell prey to a similar attack when a hacker used a person’s username and password to gain access to the network…

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Top 7 Security Concerns of 2017

A common New Year’s Resolution is to be vigilant against advance security threats. Fulfilling that resolution each year requires a more comprehensive approach as technologies evolves and attack methods become both more sophisticated and prevalent in our lives. As the new year begins, most organizations are putting their plans and tools in place to meet…

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See the forest for the Trees

The human nervous system includes 5 senses with a dedicated sensory system for each. While all important to our personal lives, Sight is probably most important in the professional lives of information security and technology staff. To make informed decisions, we need to See everything connected to the network and understand the meaning of critical…

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How are you controlling BYOD devices?

  Seeing is believing, control is even better. It is no secret that the number of connected devices has and will continuing to grow at an explosive rate.  Gartner estimates by 2020, the number of connected devices will exceed 20 billion. For me, it is pretty easy to believe their estimate.  Like most people, I…

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