Securing a Network: Gain Control of Network Traffic

We’ve said it a million times, everyone has said it a million times – threats are evolving, networks are becoming more dynamic and traditional security approaches are no longer enough.  These days, the combination of the influx of connected devices and changes to networks, creates the necessity of having full visibility and the ability to take…

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4 tips if you’re a victim of identity theft

We have posted about how to  protect yourself from identity theft, but even if you take all the proper precautions, your information could still end up in the wrong hands.  If you become a victim of identity theft, here are some tips on what to do. Take action. As soon as you notice unauthorized charges,…

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Securing a Network: Forescout’s Core Capabilities

A problem that plagues organization’s capability to achieve complete endpoint protection is the inability to identify every device connected to the network.  In other words, organizations struggle to achieve full visibility.  To help solve that problem, Forescout Technologies revolutionized device visibility with a proven process attained through agentless visibility.     As discussed in this post, device visibility is essential to…

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Securing a Network: Agentless Visibility

In order to successfully secure a network, it requires multiple, simultaneous steps ranging from endpoint protection to managing a SIEM.  However, the simple fact is that a network cannot be fully secure if there are unknown connected devices or applications.  Therefore, gaining full visibility of the threat landscape is a critical component in combating the ever-evolving threat landscape.  …

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What your IT team can be doing instead of managing your SIEM

Having a lot on your to-do list isn’t always a bad thing. Except for when one task takes up all your time – like managing your company’s SIEM.  A SIEM is critical to the security of a company, but the practically of managing one isn’t ideal.  Managing a SIEM strains both human and financial resources, and often…

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Managing a SIEM vs. A Managed SIEM

IT departments clearly have its hands full with daily tasks spanning from managing computer systems, maintaining the network infrastructure, troubleshooting issues, managing SIEM to hardware and software maintenance, both network and device protection and much more.  With rapidly growing digital footprints and infrastructures, IT departments’ responsibilities won’t be slowing down any time soon.   In correlation with…

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Managing the Flow of Devices (better than Lucy)

If you are a fan of classic comedy television, you probably know this “I love Lucy” skit: In this situation, Lucy and Ethel have no problem with the slow trickle of chocolates, but the belt speeds up and the influx of Chocolates is just too great for the ladies, despite their creative efforts! As an…

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Healthcare breaches: The epidemic people aren’t talking about

Research estimates healthcare data breaches may cause as many as 2,100 deaths a year in the United States And within the last month… Mar. 20, 2019 – Zoll Medical: 277,319 patients personal information was exposed Mar. 4, 2019 – Rush System for Health: 45,000 patients personal data compromised Feb. 22, 2019 – UConn Health: more than 326,000 patients personal data compromised Feb.…

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5 tips to protect your information and passwords

In today’s digital world, virtually everything uses a password. We use them to get into our phones and computers, to access our bank and social media accounts. Essentially, we put in a password for every account that requires a username.  But why? To secure and protect our data. Passwords help to authenticate who we are.…

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Are you in love with your managed service provider?

5 signs it’s not the one Falling head over heels for your managed service provider isn’t something you probably ever dreamed of as a child but if you don’t get butterflies thinking about your MSP and what it does for your organization, then it’s probably not the one.  Just because it may get the job done,…

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