Brite Spotlight: Meet Mark, Subject Matter Expert

Today is Law Enforcement Appreciation Day! First, Brite sends its deepest gratitude to those serving. In honor of the day, we want to celebrate our own Mark Bonsignore.  As a long-time Brite team member, Mark shares his journey from police captain to Brite’s subject matter expert. In this special edition Brite Spotlight, we’re (finally) introducing…

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The Latest Mobile Technology | Virtual Conference Series

Transforming a vehicle into a safe, ergonomic and functional office space takes the right combination of mobile technology.  To help break through the clutter, we’re bringing you quick, 15-minute videos highlighting top public safety technologies that are vetted and proven pieces in building a complete in-vehicle solution.  In our lineup, there’s mobile computing with Getac, connectivity…

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3 Technologies for Smart Cities and Safe Communities

For 20 years, we’ve helped public safety departments implement technology to protect communities and keep officers safe.   The Brite intelligence and investigation toolset provides officers and cities with a proactive approach to protecting communities.  Combining these technologies, we provide a layered scope of view for full situational awareness, starting at a high level and moving down…

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Deploying LPR Cameras with Existing Assets

"Deploying LPR Cameras with Existing Assets" Blog graphic

Big news! Gone are the days of having to buy an expensive, single-use license plate recognition (LPR) setup. Easily utilize existing camera assets in combination with powerful AI-driven LPR software without losing any of the benefits or functionality of traditional LPR systems.  Okay, but how? Let’s talk about it… How to utilize existing assets for LPR (+…

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A Screen for Every Need (ft. Getac Models)

|Getac A140 with a Havis Dock in a Ford Utility|Getac V110 with a Havis Dock in a Ford Utility|Getac F110 with a Havis Dock in a Ford Utility|Getac B360 with a Gamber-Johnson Mount in a Ford Inceptor Sedan|

Does it ever amaze you how many options there are? Whether we’re talking pizza toppings, laundry detergent or computers, there’s always different options or configurations.  While each serves a distinct purpose, it can make it an overwhelming process to find the perfect solution.  Now we’re not exactly experts in detergent (maybe self-proclaimed pizza experts), but after 20…

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Methods of Authentication: Protecting Digital Assets

Outfitting a fleet with new technology and computers can be fun.  Testing products and bringing the latest technology to your officers – be it laptops, tablets, rugged and semi-rugged, every and any combination that meets your needs.  One step that continues to increase in importance is methods of authentication.  It’s no secret that we’re advocates for implementing the…

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How Do License Plate Readers Work: OCR vs. AI Technology

LPR plate capture with "How do license plate readers work?"|License plate reader example with 'How Do License Plate Readers Work?' title

LPR technology has become a staple in law enforcement – how do license plate readers work?  The powerful addition accelerates investigations and lead generation.  While the vast market of LPR systems operates off of similar, outdated setups, today, we want to talk about the evolution of LPR software and how agencies can take advantage of…

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Technology Fails. A Guide to Getac Warranties.

Technology fails.  That’s the reality.  Whether an accidental drop, a missing screw, or a sudden blue screen, things happen.  Luckily, the majority of manufacturers offer some variation of warranty protection.  As public safety departments make investments (both monetary and time) in new technology, warranty coverage is important to consider during the evaluation and product selection process.   With that, today…

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Your Guide to Public Safety Grants

featuring the 2020 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Organizations can maximize budgets to purchase and implement leading technologies with grants, contracts or leasing opportunities.  Grants are a unique situation to get additional funding for resources in relation to specific projects and often are how departments are able to acquire critical technology upgrades.   To understand how your…

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Body-Worn Cameras: Past vs. Present

In the past, we’ve looked at Solving Crimes: Past vs. Present and The Use of Video by Law Enforcement. Today, we wanted to combine the two and deep dive into the history of body-worn cameras. As innovative technology continues to develop, we like taking a look at how it is and has transformed the public safety industry. Public…

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